Founded in 2003, TAL Education is one of the leading K-12 after-school tutoring providers in China. The firm offers tutoring services to students from pre-school to the twelfth grade via small classes, one-on-one personalized premium services, and online courses. In fourth quarter fiscal 2021, TAL's small classes account for 53% of its revenue, one-on-one 6%, and 32%. Its tutoring services cover the core academic subjects in China?s school curriculum, such as Math (K-12), English (K-12), Chinese (K-12), Physics (Grade 8-12), Chemistry (Grade 9-12), and Biology (Grade 10-12). TAL's learning centers currently cover 101 cities in China and a total of 1,098 learning centers. In fourth-quarter fiscal 2021, current normal priced long-term course student enrolment was 6.7 million.